World of Dungeons / Palast / Ankündigungen / New English Realm   Thema geschlossen
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Bergzwerg Gladiatorin St.32
Legendenstatus 40

Spieler: Schrecken
Registriert: 08.11.2005

Link zum Post: [post:15936096]

Endarion schrieb:

New English Realm

On the 16th of December the new Realm Aberon will open its doors for all players, new and old alike. Rebirth your heroes onto this realm or create new ones from scratch.
Start out with hundreds of other players at Level 1 and use this chance for glory and fight your way to the Top. Rediscover World of Dungeons all over again and find all the hidden secrets only available to legendary heroes. But even if you are not a legend yet, you will find many new Adventures in the Realm of Ezantoh.
Test your strength in one of the new Dungeons or fight your way through the upcoming high-level Quest. Fight off dangerous sea monsters, explore the dangerous caves of the lost dwarven kingdom Barrack Thor, and find out why these strange fighters were so interested in these colorful gems you found.
Join the other Clans of your Realm in their conquest of the northern barbaric lands and experience epic fights with hundreds of your fellow companions in the new Clan War system.

Improve your English and test the a different World of Dungeons on the English Worlds on



Edit: The dungeons will start on Thursday, Dec. 18th

16.12.2008 23:51 Kommentieren
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World of Dungeons / Palast / Ankündigungen / New English Realm
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